Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We are committed to continually examining our school community to ensure diversity is honored, inclusivity is ubiquitous, and equity
is fundamental through our words, actions, relationships, curriculum, and policies.  

​Central to our mission is a developmentally-appropriate education where students are viewed through a holistic lens and an in-depth curriculum that inspires thinking from multiple perspectives. In addition, we seek the cultivation of global citizens who are allies for positive change and advocates for equity and justice.

It is not possible to understand each member of our community holistically without affirming and respecting their diversity of culture, ethnicity, race, language, religion, family structure, socioeconomic status, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability status, and learning styles. We believe diversity expands our thinking, enriches our culture, and deepens our compassion. We reject any view in which humans are not viewed or treated with equity, as well as discrimination in any form. 

The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA), our parent organization, states: "Waldorf education espouses principles of   respect for human dignity. Any narratives or indications made by Rudolf  Steiner that are in contradiction to these principles are not the basis for Waldorf education and we unequivocally denounce such statements." The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs is in full support of this  statement.

Developing a diverse curriculum that challenges students to understand differing perspectives requires our faculty and staff and institution to thoroughly examine our own biases and privileges and how they impact our pedagogy and community. We are committed to this necessary work and place equity and inclusion centrally in all that we do.

We are dedicated to making our education as accessible as possible to open doors for all who want this education. We take our role of nurturing and guiding our students to be global citizens seriously. Our  school intends to model for the students a community where diversity, equity, and inclusion permeate through our relationships, curriculum, and policies. It is of utmost importance to us that all members of our community feel welcome, are able to express themselves, are heard, understood, and supported. 


The Danger of the Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (TED talk)

Book list coming soon!