March 3rd, 2024

This is a preview of our bulletin for the week of March 3rd, 2024

During 7th grade handwork class, this little bird appeared in Mrs. Crandall's fern. You never know where the next bit of creativity will appear at WSSS!

And, this note from Mr. Stewart, after the fact:

Dear friends,
I hope that everyone made it home safely through the snow following tonight’s game.  I’m sitting by the wood stove, sipping cocoa, beaming with pride in what we accomplished together tonight. With so many people chipping in - on the court, in the kitchen before the game, at the tables during the game, cleaning up afterwards - we had an incredibly successful event.  I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the generosity that you poured into tonight’s undertaking. There were so many smiles and such exuberant cheering from everyone in attendance; it was incredibly memorable and it was a wonderful community-building experience. You can tell you’ve done something wonderful when people come up afterwards and say they don’t want to wait a whole year to do it again!  (Don’t worry, I’ve assured everyone this was called the first “annual” for a reason. LOL!)  Again, thank you all for your efforts tonight. Keep your eyes on the Bulletin that will come out the Sunday after we return from vacation for full details on how much we raised for the two charities.

With deep gratitude,
Scott Stewart

A shared sense of Community

On Friday morning we gathered in the Eurythmy Room for our weekly assembly, inviting Shelters of Saratoga, Franklin Community Center, and a representative from the Chamber of Commerce to spend time with the grades. 

Students and teachers shared beautiful poems and songs, then listened as our visitors touched on some amazing things they're able to do in the community, partly because of fundraisers like the one we hosted a few weeks ago. 

There was a lot of laughter over our basketball game; students were happy to share the score (oh goodness, parents beat teachers by a few points, didn't they??) Mr. Stewart reviewed the game, the raffles, and the home-baked goods at the concession stand. When he asked why we were raising money, students were quick to answer. "We wanted to help people in need."

Near the end of assembly, we presented a check to Franklin Community Center for $453 and another check to Shelters of Saratoga for $1165.00. What a great feeling! Our night on the basketball court was so much fun - and we were able give back to others at the same time!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

3rd grade students were happy to play a new melody for the Front Office during strings class last week. We were more than happy to listen - music here at Waldorf is such a delight!

Hello There Miss March!

March 11th and 12th - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 15th - 6:00pm-8:00pm - Waldorf Family Skate Night
March 16th - 10:00am - Forest Walk, led by Becca Franco
March 20th - 6:30pm - Doun Doun Dance - Lower School
March 21st - 5:00pm - 1st Grade Evening Play For Parents 
March 26th - 9:15am - Windows Into Waldorf
March 26th - 5:30pm - Middle School Grades Presentations,
Lower School Eurythmy Room
March 27th - 9:00am For Staff/Faculty 6:30pm For Parents - 6th Grade Play in Eurythmy Room

Save the Date

April 13th - 10:00am-3:00pm - Saratoga Sustainability Fair- Skidmore College
April 16th - Time TBD - EC 2nd Parent Night - Forest Kindergarten 
April 19th - 5:00pm-6:15pm - A Waldorf Spring Walk-Through - Lower School 
April 19th - 6:30pm - Gratitude Reception - Eurythmy Room
April 20th - 10:00am - Windows Into Waldorf - Lower School
April 20th - 11:00am-12:00pm - Open House - Lower School
April 25th - 5:30pm - Spring Concert - City Music Hall

Celebrate SPRING with DunDun Drumming + Movement! 

Wednesday, March 20 6:00-6:30 Kids Session for ages 7-11
6:45-8:00 pm Teens + Adults Session for ages 12+ 

Waldorf Lower School: 62 York Ave, Saratoga Springs NY 

$10 each for kids session 
$20 each for adult session (or 2 family members for $35) 

Includes use of a dundun and sticks as needed! 

Led by Chelsie Henderson of EarthBeat Music (formerly Rural Soul Music Studio), with live drumming accompaniment by area West African drumming instructors and students. 

You must email and pay Chelsie by March 18 to register: 

This is a "Hand-in-Hand" fundraiser!
100% of proceeds go directly to Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs!

Looks like grades 1&2 decided to join in on the fun last week while grade 5 enjoyed time at the ice skating rink. Even Mr. Stewart was busy practicing his dance moves!

Class five listened to the Greek myth about Bellerophon, a youth who tamed the flying horse, Pegasus, with a bridle gifted to him by Athena. Then, they drew a vase picturing Pegasus in the Greek style, with black figures on red terracotta. Several of these drawings will be shown at the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame in March as part of an equine-themed exhibition of student art.

Grades 3 and 4 are preparing for their upcoming farm trip by studying farming. Currently they are learning about different grains and their importance in modern civilization. These beautiful sweeping landscape and barn watercolors are hanging in the 3rd grade classroom.

Our 2024 Summer Enrichment Program is filling up fast! Follow the link below to find out more information on the program and to register.

More Exciting News to Share!
We have added a middle grades summer enrichment program!

This program will be held at our York Ave. location for grades 6-8 and is a
5-week program. The program will begin on Monday, July 1
and end on Friday, August 2.

Each week students will participate in activities centered around
the learning and exploration of a different world culture
(Spain, France, Japan and Mexico). We will take daily walks
and have outdoor time at the Eastside Rec Park.

We will provide students opportunities to strengthen their friendships while participating in group games including kickball, frisbee, soccer and pickleball. We will have weekly visits to the Saratoga Spa State Park.
There, students will be able to swim and
enjoy the scenic walkways and trails.

Follow the link below to find out more information on the program and to register.

Middle school students have completed a month-long artistic study of facial features and proportion, culminating in these charcoal self-portraits, drawn from observation. The sense of personality shining from each face makes clear that a student's likeness adds up to more than the sum of their individual facial features. The lesson is aligned with the 7th grade main lesson block on Anatomy, which teaches, in addition to the parts of the body and their functions, that we are an integrated, whole human being with heart, mind, and spirit.

For weeks, our Forest kindergarten has been learning about Chinese New Year. "Gung Hay Fat Choy" (which our lovely Ms. Lei, who is from China, pointed out that this phrase does not actually mean Happy New year, but "I hope you are prosperous"... which is also appropriate for the Chinese New Year!) We went through the motions of cleaning our house, tidying up our lives, sweeping out the old year, and welcoming in the new! Watching dances of dragons, fireworks in the air, dancing like lions, handing out red envelopes filled with luck and cheer... The children all loved this circle so much! We then sewed up our felt envelopes, put the golden buttons on and brought them home- with a surprise of 'old money' from China and a golden chocolate coin! All of these weeks, the intention is to introduce the children to celebrations around the world...crossing the midline in our circle, being gracious with each other, drumming and playing with sounds and words familiar and not familiar. Sewing brings in fine motor movements, eye hand coordination, frustration, perseverance, patience...and most of all, the pride that comes with making something yourself."

Windows Into Waldorf

Our program meets children where they are at each phase of their development—from the active, play-based years of early childhood to the interdisciplinary and sensory-rich elementary years to the teenage years of yearning for meaning.

Victor Hugo once said, “Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come.” As we move into the middle of the 21st century, our society faces unprecedented challenges, on multiple levels—ecological, civic, and human. Waldorf education, developed over 100 years ago and currently the world’s most rapidly-expanding independent school movement, has never been more important or relevant.

We hope you will join us to learn more about Waldorf Education here at the Lower School on March 26th @9:15. 

"To truly know the world look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world."
~~Rudolf Steiner~~


If you are interested in becoming more deeply involved with our School, consider joining one of our many committees. New members always bring a fresh perspective to our work; learn more about our committees and who to contact to get involved by emailing


March 10th, 2024


February 18th, 2024