Middle School
Our Middle School grades 6 through 8 nurture and support the changes taking place during early adolescence. Still housed in our Lower School building, the Waldorf curriculum in grades six, seven and eight transforms significantly from the earlier grades. Critical reasoning skills, accurate observation and the development of individual judgment are emphasized as each year progresses. As in the lower grades, each day begins with a focused immersion of the main lesson block subject, followed by special subject classes. In addition to the interdisciplinary, kinetic and arts-integrated methods begun in the lower grades, below is a general overview of some unique aspects of our middle school experience. To see a list of specific subjects taught by grade click here.
How Science is Taught
Middle and high school students begin with a process of their own scientific experimentation, observation and analysis rather than memorizing a list of laws and facts. In this way, students are taught “how” to think, not “what” to think.
How Math is Taught
An assessment of each student’s middle grades math readiness takes place at the beginning of sixth grade to ensure he or she has developed the flexibility in thinking between arithmetic processes, fractions, decimals and percentages before moving on to more abstract levels of math such as algebra. Also beginning in seventh grade, high school teachers teach math skills classes to ensure consistency and preparedness throughout the middle school program into high school.
Arts Integration
The arts and music continue to be an integral aspect of the Waldorf curriculum in grades six through eight. Class plays become more ambitious, frequently tackling Shakespeare and/or musical adaptations. Main lesson books continue to be both an artistic and content-rich way to express and intellectually “digest” what is learned in class.
Signature Trips
Sixth Grade Medieval Games -- Several sixth grade classes from Waldorf schools across the region come together to stage a Medieval Games event to bring to life their study of Roman and Medieval history.
Seventh Grade Orienteering -- Seventh graders from our school and a neighboring Waldorf school share two days of orienteering at Moreau Lake State Park, strengthening their spatial cognitive skills and capacities for collaboration and teamwork.
Seventh Grade Quebec City -- A highlight of our lower and middle school language program is an immersive cultural trip to Montreal and Quebec City for a week, including an extensive scavenger hunt -- exclusively in French -- in small self-led groups among landmarks and experiences in Old Quebec.
Eighth Grade Trip -- Each eighth grade class marks their eight years together with a class trip. Past trips have ranged from paddling the Battenkill to touring Boston.
Chorus and Orchestra
Every Waldorf middle schooler experiences singing in a chorus and playing in an orchestral ensemble of either winds or strings in addition to the integrated musical experiences they have as part of their daily academic classes.
Tests, Technology and Textbooks?
Students continue to create their own main lesson books, bringing their own writing and artistic expression to subjects ranging from history to literature to math. Meaningful tests and assessments are designed and used by teachers for gauging learning and increasing motivation. Tests scores are reported to students and parents for guidance and tracking of progress. The emphasis continues to be active, hands-on learning and collaboration with the teacher and classmates.