In the spirit of giving back to the city that supports our beloved school, we are going to gather for a friendly, competitive, charitable game of basketball between the teachers and the parents of WSSS. All of the funds that are raised through this event (in the form of admission fees, the sale of baked goods, and a 50/50 raffle) will be donated to two local charities, based upon the outcome of the game. The teachers will be playing on behalf of the Franklin Community Center and the parents will play for Shelters of Saratoga. The winning charity will receive all of the proceeds generated from the price of admission to the game and the runner-up will receive the money raised from the sale of raffle tickets and baked goods. Regardless of the outcome of the game, the winners will be the charities the charities that do so much for those in need in Saratoga Springs. Be sure to RSVP. Seating is limited and you won’t want to miss out on the fun!